Travel Tips for China

China is a diverse country with countless cultural attractions, historic sites and unique travel destinations to explore. Even though it is one of the world’s largest Communist areas, China attracts millions of travelers each year and has become famous for its breathtaking countryside landscapes, high-end restaurant and dining experiences, and colorful nightlife.

The Facts

China is home to over 1.3 billion citizens and hundreds of historic sites, unique tourist attractions and cultural centers. Even though the political climate is still centered on Communism, the country attracts millions of tourists each year with accommodations and tourist facilities located in both urban and rural areas. Non-citizen visitors to China must have a valid passport and visa to enter the country, and may also need to obtain special travel documents from the Chinese Embassy and Consulate prior to arrival.


China is divided into 23 provinces and 5 distinct regions, each with its own cultural traits, unique characteristics and world-renown attractions. Beijing, the capital of China, serves as the cultural capital for tourists and residents alike, and features several entertainment districts, modern hotels and accommodation facilities, and historic sites. Other points of interest for travelers include Shanghai, an elegant and historic city; Xian, which once served as the capital city of 13 dynasties; Guilin, famous for its beautiful landscapes; and Guangzhou, a historical metropolis in southern China.


Getting around the cities of China can be challenging, since the capital city and other metro areas are densely populated territories. The most common forms of transportation in China include charter planes, inter-city railways, buses and taxis. The most reliable forms of transportation are the metro train and bus system; traveling across China’s waterways on a cruise or a boat are other modes of transportation for those who wish to take a scenic tour of the area.


Tibet is just one of several regions of China that requires a special permit for travel; permits can be obtained through an area travel agent, and visitors who do not acquire a permit before travel can be taken into custody. Non-citizen visitors will also need to provide a valid passport as identification when booking hotel rooms and other accommodations; in some cases, guest houses and schools will also need formal identification to conduct a security check.


Traveling to China is an exciting, one-of-a-kind experience that offers several opportunities for learning about the cultures, customs and norms of ancient Eastern civilizations. China’s capital alone is home to hundreds of cultural activities, events and traditional parades, making the area a coveted travel destination. The economic climate of China continues to improve, with new construction and renovations taking place throughout the metro areas, offering more opportunities for a comfortable and memorable experience.